Head Tilt #52: Memento Amare = Remember to Love

My personal, permanent reminder 

Leaders are accustomed to using these words in the workplace:





But what about love?

Does love belong in the workplace?  

(I'm talking about compassionate love, not romantic love.)

I've heard many say that the people they work with are like "extended family." Isn't that love? The US military and firefighters, alike, pride themselves on the trust and interdependence of brotherhood/sisterhood. Isn't that love?

This year, in response to the challenges of 2020, PG&E rolled out their "Lead with Love" campaign. They are committing to 2,021 acts of good and they're inviting consumers to join. (Check out their fantastic one-minute video about emotions.)

Southwest Airlines has love as their anchor, noted by their heart logo and their NYSE ticker code of LUV. 

Whole Foods leads the charge by committing to love. Love guides their food selections and how they show up in the community. 

Leadership gurus Barry Posner and James Kouzes (The Leadership Challenge) say that love is the "best kept secret" of great leadership. 

Data company Integrate.ai lists "Love People" as their number one value.

"Love as a Business Strategy" is a compelling newly-published book that I am reading about a company, Softway Solutions, that was transformed by their leadership commitment to love. (M. Anwar, F. Danna, J. Ma., C. Pitre, 2021).

Extensive research reviewed in the Harvard Business Review concludes that "a culture of love corresponded to increased levels of job satisfaction, teamwork and improved customer outcomes' (Coombe, 2016). Studies also show that people in loving work environments are more committed, satisfied, and accountable (S. Barasde and O. O'Neill, 2014).

The examples and research have a strong, steady heartbeat. 

But what does love look like at work?

Love looks like compassion.

Love looks like extending trust.

Love looks like assuming positive intent.

Love looks like respect. 

Love looks like listening fully. 

Love looks like addressing conflict effectively.

Love looks like having difficult conversations.

Love looks like appreciating differences.

Love looks like nurturing a positive culture where cooperation wins over competition every single time.

Love looks like going above and beyond for internal and external customers.

Love means seeing the entirety of your employees and co-workers.

What's that? You say you are already doing these things?

Then you are leading with love, even without announcing it. 

Whether you say the L-word or not, Memento Amare. In Latin that translates to remember to love. Today more than ever, it is not just recommended, it's required. ❤️


Head Tilt #51: Can your message pass these three questions?

This might be the simplest and shortest of my posts yet. That doesn't decrease its importance, however.

Have you ever been dying to say something to someone but you weren't quite sure if you should? Or have you ever said something only to wish you could retract it? 

Of course you have. We all have! 

Sufi poet and scholar, Rumi,  suggested all words pass through three gates before they leave our mouths. 

Particularly when giving feedback, get present and speak only if the answer is an emphatic YES to these questions: 

Is it true? To the best of your knowledge, do you have the facts? Or are you making assumptions based on your perceptions?

Is it necessary?  Will the other benefit from your words? What might be the impact if you spoke up? What about the impact of staying quiet? 

Is it kind? Check your intentions. Be a good human.

Let's be impeccable with our words. 

Let's be kindful. ❤️

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Head Tilt #50: GROW great people

One of the most important parts of being a great leader is developing others. As one of my clients used to say, leaders need to grow great people. But how?


Imagine someone took a snapshot of a "perfect" developmental or problem-solving conversation. 

What would that picture look like? 

It would probably mirror the GROW coaching model. 

What it is: Developed in the 1980s by Sir John Whitmore, GROW coaching is a fundamental coaching model. It follows the logical progression of a development or problem-solving conversation. 

Who can use it: Managers, peers, parents, friends, partners, dogs

When to use it: When you want to understand another's view and help them create a powerful pathway to a goal. It's particularly helpful in one-on-ones.

Why we use it: To empower others, enable autonomy and build trusting relationships. (So much goodness!)

Key skills for using this model: Curiosity, listening, care, patience, humility (i. e., you might not always have the best solution)

Watch outs: Suspend the urge to immediately prescribe the path. Ask good questions but don't slip into the role of therapist. If this is a new way of communicating for you, try some transparency; tell your co-communicator that you're trying to practice curiosity instead of command. 

Suppose you are planning a trip. You'd probably want to know your destination, starting place, possible routes, and your plan, right? 

That  is GROW coaching. 

G = GOAL This is the destination. Where does your co-communicator (let's call them the "coachee") want to go? Or, if that's predetermined, what is the goal you want them to achieve?

R= REALITY This is the starting place. Where are they right now in comparison to the goal? 

O = OPTIONS This is where you and your coachee generate options for bridging the gap. How will they get from where they are now to the destination? 

W = WILL (AKA: What's next, Way forward) Which of the options is best? 

Here are some GROW coaching questions to get you started:

Goal questions: What is your most important priority right now? Why? What would count as a win this week/month/quarter/season?

Reality questions: What's happening for you now? On a scale of 1-10, how close are you to the goal? What have you tried? What works? What doesn't?

Option questions: What ideas do you have to meet your goal? What has worked so far, and what if you continued that? What do you think your customer would suggest? What is the most feasible plan right now considering time, motivation and resources? 

Will/What's next questions: Which plan makes the most sense to you?  When will you start? On a scale of 1-10, how motivated are you? How can I help? 

There are sooooo many more questions you can ask. Presence with the conversation, coupled with positive intent, greatly outweighs following any script. Go with the flow. Sometimes you'll need to provide information or direction. That's okay! For the best results, pay attention to how much you are speaking and how much you are listening. Look for some sort of balance between the two roles. 

Message me at michellemakeswaves@gmail.com  for a list of my favorite GROW questions. 😉

Photo by Akil Mazumder from Pexels

Head Tilt #49: I could teach this in my sleep

My sleepy Bitmoji

I've been teaching others how to give presentations in the college and corporate classrooms for 25 years. That's a long time. And it's one of my favorite things to teach. I get to see participants face their fears and build their confidence as they hone their skills. Students are so empowered when they find their voice. It's exciting to be a part of that. 😊

Allegiant to the Head Tilt notion, I am tipping my head to the side today to see what tried-and-true public speaking advice comes out. This is not a comprehensive list! 

Active links to other posts about speaking are in blue. 

In no particular order, here we go:

  • Speaking is about having something to say and saying it well. Your goal is to get your message to your audience as effectively as possible. This requires knowing your audience and clarifying your goal. 

  • The fear is real! I understand! I've seen it in others, and I've felt it myself. Reduce fear by sticking with the 3 Ps: Preparation, practice, and a (realistically) positive attitude. As counterintuitive as it might seem, we can also think about ourselves less and focus our audience more. This post has good news about the fear of speaking. This one dispels poor, awkward advice.

  • The audience members are co-authors of the presentation. For real. Create the speech with them in mind. Consider the audience size, average age, and general attitude toward you and your topic. 

  • Whether consciously or not, every audience is wondering why they should listen and why they should listen to you. Connect them with the topic by telling them what's in it for them. Connect them with you by building your credibility: share your expertise (e.g., title, research, or time on the project) and your intention.

  • Speaking of intention, we speak primarily to inform (educate, demonstrate, show, tell)  or to persuade (motivate, convince, move to action). It's important to know which one is the specific purpose of your presentation.

  • There are three parts of speech development: Content, Organization, and Delivery.

  • Use interesting comparisons, examples, and statistics to build up the content of your speech. Use familiar metaphors to explain complex information. 

  • Compare the organization of your presentation to a workout. Don't skip a part! 
    1.     Warm-up (introduction)
    2.     Workout (body of the speech)
    3.     Cool down (conclusion/call to action)

  • Transitions bridge one idea to the next. They are game-changers for technical presentations. Before moving to a new main point, summarize what you just said and preview what's to come. "Now that you know a little more about the project design, I am going to walk you through the implementation phases." 

  • Your body, face, and voice are your secret weapons during a speech. Be aware of two types of delivery: Physical and vocal. Physical delivery has to do with your posture, eye contact, gestures, and facial expressions. Vocal delivery is all about your speaking pitch, rate, and volume, and each should be varied for the biggest impact. 

  • Memorize your presentation's first and last lines so you know exactly how to start and conclude. Memorize the structure of your presentation, but don't try to memorize every word! Extemporaneous speaking is about knowing your speech structure and speaking conversationally while being able to pivot with content as needed.

  • You are the main event, not your visual aids.

  • Fewer is best when it comes to slides. Scrap information- (and bullet point-) overload. Make white space your friend. Use images over words whenever possible. (Slides are not giant note cards!) 

  • Get better. Seek feedback after the presentation. What did you do well? What could you do better?

I have so much more I want to tell you! In the spirit of head-tilt brevity, I'll end with this final thought, directed specifically at those who fear public speaking: