Head Tilt #18: Upcoming Presentation? Work it out!

Do you warm up before a workout? 

Maybe stretch or do some light cardio? 

How about at the end of a workout? Do you cool down with some more stretching? 

We all know that the best-planned workouts have three parts: The warm-up, the workout itself, and the cool-down. 

When I was younger, I rarely warmed up before I ran. I'd lace up and start running as soon as I went out the door. Ah, the bliss of youth, ego, and ignorance. 

I was a tiny bit better with the cool-down part, but I was not very intentional about it. 

I'd walk a little...Maybe...Some days...If I had time. 


The older I get, the louder my body tells me that skipping the warm-up and cool-down is not optional! My workouts are just not as effective without all three parts. (And let's not even talk about aches and injuries. Ah, aging is so much fun!)

Did you know that all three parts —warm-up, workout, and cool-down are essential for many communication interactions, as well?

Take a presentation, for example:

  • Warm up with an introduction. Establish credibility, connect with the audience, and preview what's to come. 
  • Work out by supporting your ideas. Back up your main points with stories, facts, statistics, and examples. 
  • Cool down with a conclusion. Review your main points and close with a call to action or a Jerry Springer final thought. End with a bang, not a whimper!

Or a meeting:

  • Warm up by connecting with each other. (Don't skip this part— especially in virtual meetings!)
  • Work out by following a well-crafted agenda.
  • Cool down by clarifying action items. Give recognition for contributions and time well spent.

Or a one-on-one coaching conversation.

  • Warm up by stating your intention. 
  • Work out by balancing the time you spend listening and talking.
  • Cool down by identifying agreements and next steps. Express gratitude.

For the best outcomes, don't skip any of the three parts!

Now, please excuse me... I have some overdue stretching to do. 😊 

Me, after a good warm up, running on the UC Santa Cruz campus.