Head Tilt #12: Say a lot with fewer words

Imagine you have a word bank that only allows a few words to be withdrawn each day. Could you still cultivate positive relationships with your team and reach business goals without running out of words?

Here are some of the shortest sentences with the biggest payoffs toward connection and engagement with others.

One word: Yes.

This one little word is a powerhouse! Richard Branson uses this word so much at work that he earned the nickname "Dr. Yes." Shonda Rimes proved this wee-word's force in her book, The Year of Yes. Yes opens doors, spurs creativity, and affirms others. YES!

(If you have extra words, yes pairs nicely with the word and ...)

Two words: Thank you.

Sincere gratitude actually releases dopamine and serotonin- the feel-good neurotransmitters in our brains- thus, elevating the moods of both the giver and the receiver of the recognition. Bada bing, bada boom!

(If you have extra words, extend this little phrase with specific details about what was appreciated.)

Three words: Tell me more. 

This little sentence is packed with interest, humility, and presence. Trade certainty for curiosity and give others the gift of being truly heard by you. 

(If you have extra words, pair tell me more with tell me more again and again until you can clearly understand and empathize with someone.)

Four words: What do you think?

When someone comes to you with a question, empower them by asking, "What do you think?" before rushing to give the answer. Nurture an environment of thought and innovation.

(If you have extra words, what do you think pairs beautifully with tell me more.)

Yes, I hope you liked this post. 

Thank you for reading it! 

Tell me more about your own favorite powerful words or phrases. 

What do you think I should write about next?
