Head Tilt #56: So, tell me what you want, what you really, really want (Recognition Series 3/4)

Hugs or High-fives?

In the previous two posts I shared my personal favorite recognition stories. 

This tilt of my head is all about effectively using praise as a form of recognition. 

Remember the platinum rule? (It's one of my favorite things to teach.)

"Treat others as they want to be treated."

Positive, impactful praise requires thought; it needs to be tailored to the recipient. 

To sharpen your recognition skills, think of each co-worker/direct report/friend and consider the following:

Are they extrinsically or intrinsically  motivated? Are they driven by visible rewards or by the sense of completion and success?

Do they prefer public or private praise? When in doubt, praise privately.

Do they prefer simple or detailed communication? Are they a bottom-line person or will they benefit from more specific praise?

Do they prefer face-to-face recognition or would it be best to send in an email*? Some "hear" the praise better if it's in writing. They can review it and see the specifics. (Promise me that you will never, ever send constructive feedback in an email, though. You can't control when they'll open it, nor how they will interpret your tone. Promise? Good.)

Do they like high-fives, handshakes, or hugs? Know before you lean in!

Do they prefer Starbucks or Peet's? 
    Just kidding-- kind of. If you're going to go this route, try to make it less generic. Aim to match the individual's tastes. I once received a gift card to a steakhouse... and I'm a vegetarian.

When in doubt, ASK. 
    Use me as your fall-guy/gal. Tell your team you read this article on recognition and you want to know what counts as acknowledgement for them. 😊

What type of recognition motivates you? 

Who can you recognize TODAY?

But wait! There are several more posts about recognition!
  • This one shares the time I was recognized when things went wrong. 
  • This one is about the time I think I did a really good job at recognizing my group's efforts, even though I broke some rules in the process.
  • This one give fresh ideas for recognizing others (beyond a coffee card or mug!)

The comment feature isn't working, but I'd still love to have a conversation! Email me at 53thingsIthinkIknow@gmail.com

Image by Graphics@ HandiHow from Pixabay 

Head Tilt #55: I recognize YOU! (Recognition Series 2/4)

I see you! I really do!

In the previous post (#54) I shared my favorite recognition story: the time when the director of HR met me to say how much the company appreciated me. Wow. I love that example of leadership. 

Today's post is my other favorite recognition story: the time when I recognized others for being fabulous. 

Pull up a chair, pour some tea, and relax. It's a long, but worthwhile story. 

First, some background. 

I ❤️  recognizing others. I love spotting the good, calling it out and making people feel seen. 

I've been known to ask to see the manager (not because I have short hair!) just so I can rave about their employees.

I end many customer service calls with, "Who can I tell about your great service?" 

I get joy from finding the right way to let others in my circle of influence know that I see their contributions and think they are awesome.  

This specific recognition story goes back to a time when I was an adjunct instructor at a Cal State University.

I was teaching a class called Argumentation and Advocacy. It was a tough class with a large presentation requirement. At the end of the semester students were paired to debate two sides of a controversial issue, specifically citing all claims, warrants and evidence.  All of that while strutting their presentation skills. 

One semester I had a *magical* class of students. It was a dream class. (Anyone who has taught knows what I'm saying!)

The students were dedicated, inquisitive, prepared and courageous. They gelled with each other and with me. They were the section that I always looked forward to seeing. Just the chance of getting a group like them kept me teaching in the college classroom for 20 years. 

These students kept me on my toes; they asked great questions and expected a lot from me. I tried my best to meet their needs by preparing particularly good lectures and activities. 

The university I taught for had some weird requirements. For example, instructors would get warnings if they issued too many A's (!!) and all classes- no matter what the subject-- were required to have a formal final exam. 

I didn't like these rules. 

Students earned their A's in my classes and I did everything I could to help them do so. Final exams didn't always measure knowledge or skill, and I thought they should be up to the discretion of the instructor. 

Still, I'm a rule-follower and I did my best to oblige.

Except the time I didn't. 

And that takes us back to that amazing group of students.

For the weeks prior to the big semester-end debate, they came to class early to clarify concepts with me. They stayed late to rehearse their arguments. And on top of all that brain-work, they practiced their public speaking skills: They wanted to sound credible and competent.

When debate-day came, they slayed it! I was in awe. The students absolutely nailed their presentations. They demonstrated a keen knowledge of argumentation, coupled with solid public speaking skills. 

Next came the mandatory multiple-choice final. By my design, it wasn't a huge part of their final grade, but it could move the needle either way for those on the low or high side of a percentile.

I couldn't do it. 

They'd already met the objectives of the class. What would a multiple-choice test prove? 

Not much for this group. 

Still, I had to give the final -- it was university policy, and my department held us accountable.

So I prepared the exam. It had twenty-five carefully crafted questions. I distributed a study guide for the exam and watched as study-groups formed. I left time for exam prep and answered clarification questions for students. 

They were ready for the test!

And still, I just couldn't.

So... when it was time to print that exam, I deliberately typed an *asterisk* in front of each correct answer before running it through the copier. For example, if the answer was B, that B would look like this: *B. If they were paying attention, the answers were right in front of them. Literally.

Finally we joined for our last meeting of the semester. Before entering the classroom, many students occupied the hall and quizzed each other on the study guide for the course final. 

When all were seated, I distributed the exam (the one with all of the correct answers marked with asterisks). 

With a solid poker-face,  I told students that the copier was acting up and that there were ink spots on the exam. I apologized and passed out the spotty papers.

Five minutes into the final, a student in the class approached my desk. He whispered that he thought I had mistakenly given him the answer key. I stayed in character and reassured him it was just the crappy copier. Confused, he returned to his desk. 

Shortly after that, students began to look around at each other, shrugging and eventually smiling. 

When the last exam was turned in I told the students that they had worked hard this semester and I didn't think an exam would prove whether or not they knew the course material. Instead, they had demonstrated their comprehension in their excellent presentations.They had also shown me how seriously they took their studies by preparing whole-heartedly for the final. From my perspective, they  exceeded my expectations. As long as everyone had turned in their exam, they aced it.**

They were thrilled. (All except for the one young woman who seemed to gage her worth by exam scores). Some high-fived me when they exited. One told me I was awesome.  😎

I felt great! 

And while that's a nice side-effect, it was never about me. 

It was about noticing other's fabulousness and recognizing it in a way that mattered to them. 

That's recognition. It's more than a thank you. It's finding a way to show others you appreciate them. 

My story is just one example of many, many ways to recognize others. 

Here’s the takeaway: While we can’t always break the rules, one way to recognize others is by clearing their path. Make sure that we are not giving people unnecessary hoops to jump through. Help them measure their success with metrics that matter. 

**That doesn't mean everyone got As for the final course grade. Many did, but for some reason I didn't get reprimanded for it. ;)

But wait! There are a few more posts on recognition!

  • This one shares the time I was recognized when things went wrong... and it meant more than ever.
  • This one honors the Platinum Rule and offers tips for matching the recognition to the recipient so it lands well. 
  • This one give fresh ideas for recognizing others (beyond a coffee card or mug!)

The comment feature isn't working, but I'd still love to have a conversation! Email me at 53thingsIthinkIknow@gmail.com

Telescope Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay  

Head Tilt 54: Do you recognize me? (Recognition Series 1/4)

Me, incognito. (Shhhhhhh!)

If this were an episode of "Friends," it would be called The One with the Big Misunderstanding. 

This happened years ago with one of my biggest corporate clients. An employee who had just completed a two-week leadership training with me reached out for one-on-one coaching. I said yes, of course!

And then-- due to many reasons, but none worth typing now-- I let him slip through the cracks. 

My intention was great, but my execution of that intention was awful. 

That follow-through faux pas escalated into a communication misunderstanding. Again, my intention was very good, but that didn't really matter because the impact of that intention was a big swimming pool belly flop. 

I felt awful. I apologized. I wanted to make everything right. The employee, however, thought I had purposefully wronged him, and he was determined to die on that hill. 

The next thing I knew, the VP of Human Resources contacted me and asked me to meet her at Starbucks. 


For context, I didn't know the director well. She was a powerful leader within the organization. She was also a no-B.S. New Yorker. I respected her greatly, and I was nervous about this meeting. We had never done anything beyond the training room, let alone socially. (eep!)

And as an external consultant, she owed me nothing. Nothing at all. This couldn't be good.

I arrived at Starbucks early so I could get a table. I got my tea and anxiously waited at a spot near the window. 

Would she chastise me?

Can I contract with this company ever again? 

I spotted her, tried to muster some confidence, and waved. She flashed a small smile, got some coffee, and joined me. 

After our brief hellos, she said something I'll never forget. 

She started with this:

"Michelle, you've been partnering with us for quite a while. And in all that time, I don't think I've ever told you how much we appreciate you and what you do for our company. Thank you."

Wait. What did I just hear? 

She went on to say only this about the employee hiccup:

"He learned, you learned, and now we all move on."

That was it. 

She then guided the conversation to lighter topics. We finished our caffeine and went on our way. 

Never before have I felt so recognized by an employer. 

  • She took time for me, making a special effort to meet.
  • She knew my character and gave me the benefit of the doubt. 
  • She expressed gratitude in a way that mattered to me.

(I still work for that company to this day!)

Employee recognition is defined as the expressed acknowledgment to an individual or team for their contributions to the organization. 

The right recognition increases engagement and loyalty and builds trust.

Who wouldn't want that? 

For more on recognition:

  • This one provides a list of tried-and-true ways to recognize others at work that go way beyond Amazon gift cards. 
  • This one is about the time I did a really good job at recognizing my group's efforts, even though I broke some rules in the process.
  • This one talks about the Platinum Rule and delivering recognition that lands.

But for now, I want to offer you a tiny bit of recognition:

Thank You! 
Thank you for reading my posts 
and encouraging me to write more. I appreciate you! 

Now go make someone's day with a little recognition. 😊

The comment feature isn't working, but I'd still love to have a conversation! Email me at 53thingsIthinkIknow@gmail.com

Keeping it real when things fall apart

I returned last night from a week-long stay in Chicago. 

Oh my--what a fabulous, fantastic city! I had no idea!

I went there to get away. To clear my mind. To see things from a different perspective. To have some fun. 

And I did. 

For the most part. 

Except when I didn't.

I should have learned from Uncle Remus when he said,

"You can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far."

(There's no need to say more about that except that things have been more challenging in the past couple of months than when I was traversing leukemia-territory years ago.) 

No mud, no lotus, right? Right.

I had the rare and appreciated opportunity to return from my trip to both an empty house and an open schedule-- just for the next two days. 

I could exhale. Time to turn the kindful lens on myself: what is the most mindful, kind thing I can do for myself right now? 

I know that the first step to meeting the external challenges in my life is to get more intentional about what's happening for me internally, i.e., my thoughts, attitude, and moods. As much as I am able, I need to change my state of being.

I don't want to stay in the mud indefinitely. 

So instead of ruminating, resisting, or retreating, I intentionally did several things today to set my feet (and mind) on a more positive path. 

Here are photos of my kindful Wednesday:

In the morning silence, I chose to savor my favorite tea in my favorite cup. 😊

I took my beastie besties for a leisurely scent walk. No rush, no distractions, no phone except for photos. I let them sniff to their hearts' content. They were so happy! 🐕 🐶

After a whole week off, I could hardly wait to run at my favorite spot. I was surprised to feel how much my body really appreciated the break! I was also surprised that I clocked my fastest mile time in years! 🙌 My new playlist fueled me with adrenaline from Ohio Players, Supertramp, AC⚡️DC, and Alice In Chains.

I hit some stuff. (Doesn't everyone box with the Buddha?) 

Weird as it might sound, I did a sage energy cleanse on every room in my home. It was amazing. And if you read this article from Vogue on the whats, whys, and hows, I can assure you that I repeated the suggested mantra many times swear words included, of course😉

Though I don't have a pic of it, I also tried to get outside myself and lift others up. I called the boujie hotel I had the good fortune to stay at in Chicago to tell the general manager how phenomenal Daniel, Adam, Brandy and Alissa made my stay. Every interaction with these kind people made my heart happy. ❤️

Everything I did might sound normal or even fun, but when things are tough, normal and/or fun things take a lot more effort. More important to me was that each event was purposefully chosen and filled with the intention of wellness. My goal was to move the dial in my mind just a little closer to "I got this. I'm going to be okay."

In conclusion, 
  • This isn't a head tilt.
  • It's not a communication lesson. 
  • It's not an attention trap. (Please, no!)
  • It's definitely not a boastful, fluffy "Look what I did! You can do it too!" post. 🤮

I am writing to say that my circumstances have been rough lately. 
And still, in the thick of it, I need to walk the walk. Even if I am taking baby steps.

I need to be kindful to myself. Who knew?

Maybe this is simply a love letter to myself. 

I have to remind myself that I have choices as to how I deal with challenges: I need to do my best to help myself show up at my best. 
I need to plod on in the right direction.

And today I actually did, 

step by step.

with intention and purposeful action. ❤️

If I keep on this path I might have the chance of being an amazing lotus flower someday.