Head Tilt #90: Baby Steps

My daughter, Macy, taking
baby steps on the beach in 2002 
Lately, I've been using the term "baby steps" with my clients and myself. 

As I coach leaders to adopt new practices, you might catch me saying something like, "Take baby steps... it doesn't have to happen all at once. Small sculpts matter."

Or, as I try to take strides toward my goals, no matter how challenging, I remind myself that "baby steps count." 

(Case in point: On a tough day, I recently labeled getting out of bed, changing my sheets, and feeding the dogs as baby steps. I mean, at least I didn't hide under the covers like I wanted to! Look at me go! 😆)

The phrase baby steps has become synonymous with forward micro-movements. We use it gracefully to remind ourselves and others that it's not just the long leaps that propel us toward results. The small acts are significant, too.

Good stuff. ☀️

But then I started thinking about actual baby steps. 

You see, as a mother of two and someone who's been around plenty of babies, I can attest that they rarely take tiny steps, and surely not ever just one--- even when learning.

Instead, babies take clumsy, sloppy steps -- some big, some small. Finding their balance and stride, they take a step forward... or to the left... or to the right... and sometimes even backward! 

Oh, and they fall on their tushes a lot! 

But they get up and try again. And again. And again, until those baby steps take them to where they want to go. Onward to walking, skipping, jumping, and running. 

And if they're more coordinated than I am, cartwheels may be on the horizon. 🎉

All because they didn't give up when things felt awkward or tough. 

It's not the step size; the commitment makes the difference.

Another interesting thing I noticed when I searched for an image of baby steps is that there's always someone spotting them. Someone is there to help them up, catch them if they fall, or cheer them on. 

I was already okay with the metaphorical meaning of baby steps, but now I feel a bit of pride in taking more of them and encouraging others to do the same. Progress is different for everyone. My progress is often messy. Sometimes, I get bruises from falling down. But I get up. I know my goal. I take baby steps forward-- with or without grace-- I keep going, all with the support of some amazing friends and colleagues.

No matter how small, big, or messy, take pride in your baby steps. Keep going! If you fall-- get back right back up. You got this! 👣 

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