Head Tilt #68: Permission to Play

Wings that light up and change colors? Heck ya! 

It was love at first sight.


On Monday I spied the color-changing wings on a guest at Disneyland.

I immediately coveted them.


The rational me said: What would I do with them? They aren’t practical for a professional adult. (I am pretty sure they are intended for children.) As with most Disney memorabilia—they’d be fun in the park, but then what?


Luckily, the playful me countered: WHO CARES?!


Playfulness partners with presence. It lives best in the now.


When I temporarily parted ways with my family to save spots for the parade, I happily (sneakily) purchased a pair of the wonderful wings, turned them on, attached them to my back, and waited an hour on Main Street by myself (and with the hundreds of others waiting for the parade).


When my family joined me, they smiled and laughed. They weren’t surprised at all.

When I am at my best, I am playful.


Dr. Brene Brown teaches that we need to take time to play in order to live better and work better. “Cultivating Playfulness” is one of her tenets of whole-hearted living.


The research of Dr. Stuart Brown, founder of the National Institute for Play (how can I work there?) concludes that play promotes mastery, helps us deal with difficulty, and is essential to the creative process, and job satisfaction.


I bring purposeful play into the training room. I have prompted executives to create giant bubbles on breaks, I set colorful fidget-widgets out on all tables (pre-Covid), and I find creative ways to insert play into long training days, no matter if the topic is customer service or conflict management.


And with great intention-- before I get dressed for a training day-- I choose something from my collection of playful jewelry, pins, and tokens as a reminder not to take myself so seriously.


Upon reflection, I guess I take playfulness seriously.


If you are hesitant to play, the research is clear: It’s a must for adults. We all have permission to play!


My questions for you are:


How do you cultivate playfulness in your personal life?


How about your professional life?


After all we've been through, let’s all commit to bringing more play to our lives this year. 🎉 🎉

For more on Play, check out this Disney post

Head Tilt #67: Tell stories like Pixar

Yes, I am re-purposing this springtime pic from Pixar Pier :)

Most everyone knows that folks at Pixar are the best storytellers around. 

(And if you've read my blog, you know I am a big Disney/Pixar fan!)

But did you know that you can tell stories about your talents, business, or product in the same way that they do? And that you can do it in under a minute? 

Revealed by former Pixar story editor Emma Coates, each Pixar movie follows a six-step storytelling sequence. It's called the Pixar Pitch. It is memorable, concise, and has momentum that keeps everyone engaged. 

Here is their storytelling formula: 

1. Once upon a time...
2. Every day...
3. One day...
4. Because of that...
5. And because of that...
6. Until finally...

You can plug the storylines from Toy Story, Cars, or any of the Pixar greats into this template and see for yourself. 

Because I am always trying to bring a little Disney/Pixar magic into my work, here's how I use the Pixar Pitch to tell a story about what I do.

Once upon a time, there was a company where people were promoted to leadership positions, but they didn't receive any formal leadership training to support them with their new responsibilities. 

Every day, people who were very talented in their area of expertise now juggled the challenges of motivating and coaching others toward success. Some were effective leaders, but they weren't sure exactly how they did it. Many were not effective leaders; employee engagement was down, and employee turnover was up.

One day, longing to improve, the company hired me to deliver a well-researched and respected leadership program that was tailored precisely to their needs. 

Because of that, people learned the ins and outs of leading others. Through dynamic instruction, group activities, and application, they were taught how to build trust, coach others, manage conflict, and give impactful recognition and feedback. They created realistic plans for driving engagement, delegating with purpose, setting performance expectations, and tracking measurable goals. 🎯 (They even had fun along the way!)

And because of that, the company's teams were more cohesive and productive. Business results skyrocketed! 🚀

Finally, all the leaders in the company, and any who were promoted into leadership roles from that point on, shared both a common language for discussing leadership and practical tools for getting great results.

Okay, I admittedly don't start my conversations off with "once upon a time," but with a few tweaks and personalization, this sequence helps tell a memorable story.

I encourage you to have fun with it and see if you can bring a little Pixar magic to the stories you tell about your skills, product, or company. 🪄


Head Tilt #66: "I murdered my grandmother this morning."

Alexa, are you listening?


“I murdered my grandmother this morning.”


That’s what Franklin D. Roosevelt reportedly murmured to each guest he met in a long receiving line when he was president.


He wanted to test whether or not people actually listened to him.


Most people smiled. Some said, “thank you” and others said, “How kind.”


Only one retorted, “I’m sure she had it coming to her.”


(Originally reported in 1954, even Snopes can’t prove or disprove this story.)


How do you know if someone is listening to you?


I have a Spidey-sense for it. I tune into the timing of comments, the sound of clicking of keyboards through the phone, and the disjointed auto-responses.


I’m known to stop talking and ask, “Is there a better time to talk? I sense that you’re distracted.” 


I also think I’m pretty good at covering it up when I’m the one who is not listening. Watch me slyly Google the weather in Scotland while a friend details her frustration with the barista who gave her almond milk when she ordered oat milk.


No matter how good I am at deceiving the speaker, it’s not cool.


Research of more than 3,600 professionals at all levels from 30 countries concluded that those who tout their excellent listening skills are the same ones who also confess to multitasking and “tuning out” during conference calls.


Another study of students in grades one through 12 (think ages 6 through 18) determined that listening declines with age.


What?! I am way past age 18, so it’s safe to say I’m in trouble. We all are. 


As defined by the International Listening Association, listening is “the process of receiving, constructing meaning from and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages.” 

It’s complex. 

It takes time. 

It takes effort.


And it’s one of the most valuable skills we can hone.


If we don’t spend more time improving our skills, soon Amazon’s Alexa might be the only one who is listening.



This post is part of a series that is inspired by (and partially lifted from) my business communication textbook, It’s All of Our Business, co-authored by Dan Rothwell and published by Oxford University Press, 2022.

Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

Head Tilt #65: Check ego


This inside of my car, Jedi-the-Jetta

It was love at first sight. 😍


I saw the “check ego” sticker on the bumper of a car I was driving behind.


Since I know that everything gets messy when one’s ego is out of check, I had to have the sticker.


I easily found it online and ordered a few.


As I set to put one on my car I thought,


“Wait a minute… who am I to tell others (through my bumper sticker wisdom) to check their egos? Isn’t that a rather egotistical thing to do?”




I am the one who needs to “check ego.” 


So for years, I’ve put one of these stickers on the dash of my car. It’s placed prominently where I can see it.


Check engine

Check oil

Check ego


The sticker reminds me to check my ego not only when driving, but all of the time. Left unchecked, my ego can cause a lot of chaos, on the road and off.


My ego:


·     Has insatiable cravings for more/better/best

·     Is a very poor communicator

·     Doesn’t play well with others

·     Plays defense before the game even starts

·     Has an over-inflated sense of self

·     Loves confirmation bias

·     Has no idea how to be kindful 😳


And my ego gets me in trouble




I don’t keep it in check.


With humility and kindness, I encourage you to play a good offense.

If you can relate to any of this post —the next time you check your engine and check your oilmaybe check your ego as well. ❤️