Head Tilt #65: Check ego


This inside of my car, Jedi-the-Jetta

It was love at first sight. 😍


I saw the “check ego” sticker on the bumper of a car I was driving behind.


Since I know that everything gets messy when one’s ego is out of check, I had to have the sticker.


I easily found it online and ordered a few.


As I set to put one on my car I thought,


“Wait a minute… who am I to tell others (through my bumper sticker wisdom) to check their egos? Isn’t that a rather egotistical thing to do?”




I am the one who needs to “check ego.” 


So for years, I’ve put one of these stickers on the dash of my car. It’s placed prominently where I can see it.


Check engine

Check oil

Check ego


The sticker reminds me to check my ego not only when driving, but all of the time. Left unchecked, my ego can cause a lot of chaos, on the road and off.


My ego:


·     Has insatiable cravings for more/better/best

·     Is a very poor communicator

·     Doesn’t play well with others

·     Plays defense before the game even starts

·     Has an over-inflated sense of self

·     Loves confirmation bias

·     Has no idea how to be kindful 😳


And my ego gets me in trouble




I don’t keep it in check.


With humility and kindness, I encourage you to play a good offense.

If you can relate to any of this post —the next time you check your engine and check your oilmaybe check your ego as well. ❤️