Head Tilt #87: The Next Best Things


There's something good coming on the horizon.

In a recent episode of Glennon Doyle's podcast, We Can Do Hard Things, Glennon addressed a question a 19-year-old college freshman asked. Before answering his question, though, she acknowledged his stage of life and recounted what her mom told her son before he left for college. She said,


“Everyone’s going to tell you that this is the best year of your life and to enjoy it. And you just do not listen to that. That is NOT TRUE.”

With love and a dose of reality, Glennon continued to say that freshman year is hard... and confusing... and it’s almost impossible to find your grip...

 And with a laugh, she added that so is every other year of life!


When we set ourselves up with the pressure of “this is going to be the best,” we pave the path for great disappointment if it isn’t.


I played the podcast for my son, and he said that he’d heard that high school was supposed to be the best time of his life.


 If he believed that, can you imagine the trepidation he might feel about graduation this week? The best part of his life is soon to be behind him... and he’s only 18!


As my youngest reaches this huge milestone, I reach another—the impending “empty nest” that awaits me this fall. I accept that some of the best parts of my life are behind me, but I am confident new “bests” await. With enough agency and imagination, I will create them. I don’t even know what they might be, but the anticipation of what’s possible helps me move forward.

Einstein said,

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."

Today I am excited about my life's coming attractions and optimistically imagining my next best things.

I trust you are looking forward to yours, too. 🌞