Showing posts with label persistence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label persistence. Show all posts

Head Tilt #72: Hills are hard

University of California Santa Cruz: Campus of Hills! 

True story:

On the eve before my last half marathon, I made the mistake of reading past participants’ reviews of the 13.1-mile course. A few commented that it was surprisingly hilly. 

“Oh no!” I thought. “Hills are hard!” 

I worried. 

For a minute.

And then I remembered, "Hey! I train on hills!"

Hills ARE hard. And I love them. They test my commitment and my character.

On a recent Hill Day in my workout rotation, I couldn’t help but think of how running hills prepares me for so many other challenges in my life. 

1. First, I can’t run hills successfully without a strategy.

I’ve learned from the best coaches and athletes: I look up, not down– I focus on the top (but glance at the terrain every now and then!). My form matters. Smaller steps, lift those knees. I let my arms lead my legs– it’s a body party with every step! I lean in, but ever so slightly– I stay perpendicular to the slant. Every single time. ☀️

2. Next, hills remind me that after pain comes great pleasure.

My lungs burn, my muscles ache, and when I get to the top of the hill I am rewarded with the pride that comes with accomplishing hard things. Every single time. ☀️

3. Finally, running hills tests my mind, strengthening my resolve. Often a fleeting, but loud thought tells me to stop, quit, or give up. It’s a test of my grit. As long as I don't need to stop because of legitimate concern, I counter that chatter with one of my go-to hill power words: GO!, PUSH!, or CLIMB! Every single time. ☀️


I love hills. They are hard, but they build my strength, speed, and stamina. 

As in life, doing the hard stuff prepares me-- and all of us-- for so much more. 

☀️ The next training contract I am trying to get? I can’t succeed without a strategy. 

☀️ That pain of persistence and rejection as I forge my own path in the work world?  It’s often followed by the great pleasure of gaining a new client or learning a valuable lesson.

☀️ That self-doubt that sits next to me when things get tough? It is only quieted by my resolve to persist. 

I got this. You got this. We got this. ❤️




Every single time. ☀️