Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

PSA for People Who Love Dogs

See this lovely stick? It's a nice one, right?

Smooth sides, just the right size for throwing. Great for playing fetch with your favorite canine.

I'll sell it to you for the same price I got it...


That was the vet bill after this nefarious Stick-in-Disguise-as-a-Fun-Dog-Toy tried to impale my dog Indie's throat when she caught it at the park.

The Death Dart ricocheted off the ground and went right into Indie's big yap, aiming to exit through the back of her neck.

Luckily, the Stickinator didn't succeed.

Though it didn't complete its malicious mission, yesterday's emergency drop-off and subsequent all-day stay at our veterinarian's office proved that the Wooden Weapon left a small tear in Indie's throat. She'll heal on her own, thank goodness, and our vet said we're lucky the Sinister Stick didn't slice Indie's trachea or vocal cords-- both of which she's seen in her practice several times. 😳

I kicked myself because I'd heard not to throw sticks for dogs, but whatever. I ignorantly ignored the warnings. Never again. As if I needed more proof, a quick Google search of "Is it okay to throw a stick for my dog" yielded 58 million results, the first few pages filled with emphatic NOs (all within .64 seconds).

I kicked myself again because I'd also been meaning to buy pet insurance. Whatever. Now my desk is covered with pamphlets from different providers.

Indie is feeling a bit better today. Poor baby, I can tell she's still in pain, and her energy is not near her manic Belgian Malinois standard. Still, she seems somewhat comforted by the pain med, soft food, and extra attention. ❤️

Now that I've learned my lesson, I'm hoping other dog owners can learn from my mistake.

Stay safe out there. Buy rubber or plastic stick toys or soft frisbees if you have a dog who loves to fetch. Consider pet insurance, too.

And don't be fooled by seemingly innocent sticks. I know a big beach bonfire this one will be joining tonight. 🔥🔥

Head Tilt #43: Lessons from the leash

Indie and me at UCSC. 🐕 🏃‍♀️

Today I ran the forest trails on the University of California Santa Cruz campus. 

What a run! The sky was clear, the air was crisp with pine and eucalyptus, and the path was empty. I took one of our dogs, Indie, with me. I just adore her; she loves running in the forest-- everything is so ALIVE! (Plus, she gets to be off-leash at times.)

Running with her is also a great way to reinforce her training.

Today I noticed that I said five phrases to her throughout the whole run: 

Leave It

Stay Close

Let's Go

Almost Home

and with much enthusiasm, 


As I coached Indie away from another dog near our home stretch, I reflected on the commands I used with her. 

What if, just for fun, I applied them to myself?

I saw it clearly: the Leave It command, spoken with authority, could redirect me when my mind ventures too close to negativity or self-doubt. 

Stay Close would remind me to stay on track and stay focused.

I could use Let's Go to gently push myself when I lag.

Almost Home would renew my commitment when I near completion of a goal. 

Finally, Good Girl!, repeated often, always with love, cheer and at least one exclamation point, could reinforce positive behavior and just make me happy. 🐶

No, I am not saying we should all talk to ourselves the way we talk to our dogs! 

But, if you love your dog and talk to them kindly, it could be a fun framework to ponder. 

For me, the beauty of the way I talk to my dogs rests in its intention, simplicity, clarity, and unconditional love. 

Not a bad foundation for self-talk, if you ask me!