Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

The Birthday Post: Be the Valedictorian of Your Life

As a teaching associate (TA) in graduate school long ago, I was taught to view the students in my classroom as active participants in the learning process, not passive recipients of the lessons from the lectern. 

It’s a lens I’ve used to guide my course design for the past 25 years: I commit to my trainees’ growth, giving them ample opportunities to take things beyond the training room.

In the school of my life, where I am not the teacher, but the student, I use the same lens. I strive to be an active participant in my learning process, not a passive recipient of life’s syllabus. Lately, I am sitting front-row, notebook open, pencil sharpened, alert, and ready to learn. I don't always love the curriculum, but I try to attend class daily. 

Life’s lessons are taught by interactions with colleagues, customers, friends, and family. Instructional methods include conflict, challenge, wins, and losses. Some of the most powerful lessons come through pain.

If I am not being a good student, it’s all for nothing. My growth plateaus and I am obligated to re-enroll until I ace the course. 

Uh-uh. Not me. I know better. 

Here are my top tips for being at the top of the class in the school of life: 

1. Stay present. Remember the smartest kids in grade school? They always sat in the front of the class, with perfect posture, eyes fixed on the teacher, hands folded on their desks. They kind of bugged me, but they knew how to learn! Be like them. Remove the auto-pilot feature on your internal dashboard and commit to increasing your awareness and, in turn, your options. Build a chasm between stimulus and response. Breathe. Be. Learn. 

2. Stay curious. Ask good questions. Start sentences with what and how. Instead of jumping to conclusions, dance toward discovery. Read up. Take the personality quizzes. Enroll in all the classes. Know that you know a lot, but that knowledge is an infinite resource to compound.

3. Reflect.  Like a good student reviews their notes, review your day. Pair reflection with the curiosity mentioned above. What did you do well? Keep doing that! What requires a do-over? Do that! Remember that uncomfortable interaction with your manager in the one-on-one meeting? Revisit that. What happened? What did you learn? What could you have done differently? What will you do differently going forward? When paired with a plan, hindsight can be a great guru.

4. Regard those who annoy, harm, or betray you as your special guest lecturers. That leader or friend who is extra tough on you... What are they teaching you? Perhaps it’s a lesson on what NOT to do. The person who stole your thunder on the big project? They are giving you an opportunity to perfect your assertiveness skills and stand up for your worth. That one who broke your heart? They are teaching you how to heal, how to be stronger, and how to be whole on your own. Let others' wrongs illuminate your rights. 

Choose to be the valedictorian of your life. You got this. 🎓🎉

What is life teaching you today?

About that photo of me... I stole-borrowed my son's graduation garb for the pic…He doesn't know. 🤫

The Birthday Post: It Gets Better

Earlier this week: I ❤️ my b-day!

made it— another trip around the sun! ☀️

Since my last birthday, I:

  • Completed my college textbook manuscript
  • Took control of the direction of my career
  • Went to Broadway and Carnegie Hall
  • Danced in Central Park
  • Ran my best half marathon
  • Ran my worst half marathon
  • Got another tattoo
  • Saw many stunning sunsets
  • Threw in the towel
  • Fished said towel out of the trash, wrung it out, and tried again
  • Laughed so hard —I cried
  • Loved so much—I healed


As I joyfully skip (yes, skip!) into my 54th year, I ask myself:


Who am I?


Really... Who am I?


I define myself by many labels such as woman, mother, wife, daughter, sister, niece, aunt, friend, runner, trainer, teacher, student, coach, author, goofball, etc.


But these descriptors aren’t who I am, really. They are roles that guide how I show up in various environments with specific audiences.


I am also creative, thoughtful, insecure, sensitive, funny, moody, playful, smart, messy, empathic, demanding, guarded, and kind.


But those words aren’t who I am, either. They are qualities that explain my values, disposition, and actions.


So, again I ask myself, who am I?


I guess I am still not sure. 🤷‍♀️


Reflecting on my life— especially this past year from where I stand today, I can confidently say that while life isn’t easy,



better. ☀️


Little by little, I keep getting better, too.


With that insight, I have a feeling it’s going to be a good year. 

Thank you for all your encouragement along the way.

Are you ready for new adventures?

Let's go!
