Head Tilt #38: Creeds, credos, cats, and klocks


 Do you have a credo?

   I don't... not yet!

Credo (rhymes with Play-Doh) is Latin for "I believe."  A credo is a personal, value-based commitment  statement that guides your behaviors. 

I need one.

Does your company have a creed? 

A creed is like a credo, except it usually boils down the company values to an inspiring phrase or two that reminds the team who they are. 

(It's different than a mission statement, which serves to keep the focus on a company's broad goals.) 

Don't worry-- there's no quiz on this. 

Today I want to tell you about the Kit-Cat Creed. For almost 90 years it has guided the company that makes the Kit-Cat Klocks (pictured above, not to be confused with Kit Kat candy bars). Their credo is so fantastic that I might borrow it as my credo. 

First, some fun facts about these iconic feline time-tellers:

  • They've been around since 1932.
  • They have always been made in the USA.
  • They were designed to spread happiness during the Great Depression.

And here's their fabulous creed:

Put a smile on everyone's face;
Love in everyone's heart;
Energy in everyone's body;
and Be a positive force in everyone's life!

And to that I say, "Yes, Let's!" 

Who's with me?  

Full disclosure: I have no rights to the Kit-Cat Klock picture... but I hope it's good for their business and they don't get too mad. Check out more about this cool company at their website.